COVID - 19


Rising mortality rates, unemployment, isolation, and feelings of burnout are just a few factors on how COVD-19 impacted the physical and mental health of our world. Here are suggestions I have for you to maintain a healthy lifestyle in a safe fashion.

Stay Active

For me, living in a small apartment has limitations when it comes to physical activity, but there are great resources to make use of what you have. 

  • Nike Training App - This fitness app is free and provides various classes from yoga to high intensity cardio sessions with guided instructions. You can select the difficulty level and choose sessions on whether you have a full set of equipment or no equipment at all. I personally love this app and have been using it for years!

  • STEEZY Studio - Traditional workouts are not really your thing? Try breaking a sweat with dancing. This app offers a collection of dance tutorials ranging in difficulty and styles such as hip-hop, Kpop, jazz funk, and house. You can access 800+ classes taught by professional dance instructors for $20/month or $8.33/month as an annual plan.

  • I find that resistance fitness bands are very convenient for indoor workouts. They’re light, compact, they’re versatile, and give more oomph to my workout. 

  • Get your family or friends together on a video call for a group exercise as motivation and camaraderie.

  • Go outside for a walk or jog. Breathing fresh air and being in nature can improve your mood. Please ensure you have a mask and you are socially distanced from others.

Stay Healthy

COVID-19 has been primarily deteriorating the elderly population and individuals with compromised immune systems. However, this does not guarantee a healthy, younger, individual will recover from this illness. We now know that COVID-19 does not discriminate.

  • Data specifically regarding zinc supplementation to prevent and treat COVID-19 is still being examined. However, evidence does show that zinc helps with immune function, lowers the risk of hyper-inflammation, and possess anti-oxidative effects, thus reducing lung damage. Because of this, zinc supplementation as a preventative precaution is recommended (1). Food sources of zinc include red meat, poultry, fish, and whole grains.

  • Fruits and vegetables with antioxidants are beneficial to our diet in order to strengthen our immune system. These include citrus fruits, tomatoes, blueberries, and kale.

  • Wash your hands OFTEN. Lather with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. Make sure to scrub vigorously under your fingernails, in between your fingers, and up to your wrists. When soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

  • Stay home if you can, wear a mask, practice social distancing, and follow your state regulations. This saves lives.

Stay Positive

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Feelings of anxiety, exhaustion, and fear are completely valid. 

  • Be kind to yourself, rest and focus on sleeping habits, or make a list for only essential tasks

  • No one has a crystal ball to see the future so try to be present in the moment

  • Reach out to a loved one or therapist

  • Practice self-care regimens like meditating, stretching, listening to music/podcasts, read, journal your thoughts, exercise, learn a new hobby or cook a new recipe

  • It’s also okay if you do nothing some days, if you re-make mistakes, if you struggle to reach out for help, or if you don’t feel 100%

With these uncertain times, it’s crucial for us to stay healthy and hopeful, because life goes on.



  1. Wessels, I., Rolles, B., & Rink, L. (2020). The Potential Impact of Zinc Supplementation on COVID-19 Pathogenesis. Frontiers in immunology, 11, 1712.


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